It is a web platform developed by the Center in order to provide communication with parents, student monitoring through a fully transparent grading system, and a fulcrum for students at an educational level.
The platform is a great tool for parents, students and teachers. Students can view all the scores of their work, besides their quarterly scores, they can check the weekly homework and access a networking to download support sheets, proposed work, and even lessons taught using a digital whiteboard are registered so that the student can download all the notes given by the teacher. Teachers use the platform as a “teacher book”. From there they can mark their scores (with the possibility of adding comments for parents), keep track of attendance, upload all types of educational resources and links of interest for students: support and developing sheets, projects, curriculums, plus their own notes given with the interactive digital whiteboard.
It also lets them maintain contact with parents via private messaging. On the parents side, the Education Group Iale – Elian’s is committed to transparency in the education system. Parents can do a comprehensive monitoring of everything happening at the school everyday: Scores for homework, circular letters, tutoring, non-attendance, networking, messaging, etc, plus the ability to request interviews with teachers. Information is accessible ONLINE on Internet, on any device. Thus, regardless of where they are, parents will have access to it, knowing everyday school situation of their children. Login to Iale 3.0.