Our students can start school as soon as they are practically toddlers, when they are around one year old, in our Maternal 1 and 2 groups.
Our teaching model is bilingual and project-based, which encourages our students to build their knowledge from different experiences and discoveries.
In a familiar and caring environment, our Infant School children grow happily while developing their skills through play. Motivated by the different learning opportunities based on the theory of multiple intelligences, we encourage our students to understand, explore, awaken their curiosity to learn and promote their autonomy by being the protagonists of their own learning.

Social and emotional excellence
· Our aim is to train pupils who respect themselves and others, who are sincere, supportive, tolerant, empathetic and capable of working as part of a team..
· To know, regulate and educate their emotions in order to be emotionally intelligent and therefore happy, autonomous and independent.
· A complete linguistic immersion environment in English, using this language as a vehicular language in 70% of the areas, in order to start the bilingualism process and finish their education at Iale with at least a Cambridge C1 Advanced level certificate.
· Chinese is taught as an additional language from 3 years of age.

Intellectual excellence
· We promote oral comprehension and expression, both Spanish and English, which is essential for good communication in both languages.
· Variety of work methodologies such as experimentation, creativity, project work, flashcards, robotics, digital whiteboards.
· Work in corners to allow children to autonomously choose the topic that they want to work on: reading, logic-mathematics, symbolic games, etc.
Music from day one
· Alexander Project, curricular music classes from an early age too awaken the senses, improve listening, enhance memory and promote creativity.
· Different methodologies according to age starting at age 2 with the Gabou method, and then continuing with Willems.
· From the age of five, all students learn to play an instrument as part of the curriculum up to ESO 3, improving the development of attention, reading and mathematical logic.