REGISTRATION FORM Student's name Surname Date of birth Year group MATERNAL 1 MATERNAL 2 1º INFANTIL 2º INFANTIL 3º INFANITL 1º PRIMARIA 2º PRIMARIA 3º PRIMARIA 4º PRIMARIA 5º PRIMARIA 6º PRIMARIA ESO 1 ESO 2 ESO 3 ESO 4 BACH 1 First time in our Summer School NO YES Does your child suffer form any illnesses or allergy? He/she has to take some medicine to treat this illness or allergy? Address Father / mother details DNI · NIE · Passport number Telephone Father / mother details DNI · NIE · Passport number Telephone Email EXTENDED HOURS IN THE MORNING NO YES BUS ROUTE NO COMPLETE BUS ROUTE BUS ROUTE IN THE MORNING * (only for the 5 weeks option). BUR ROUTE IN THE AFTERNOON * (only for the 5 weeks option). INFANTS · ENGLISH SUMMER (minimum 2 weeks, which can be alternated). 1 July - 7 July 8 July - 12 July 15 July - 19 July 22 July - 26 July PRIMARY (minimum 2 weeks. Several programmes may be combined). ENGLISH 1 July - 7 July 8 July - 12 July 15 July - 19 July 22 July - 26 July FRENCH 1 July - 7 July 8 July - 12 July 15 July - 19 July NO PLACES AVAILABLE FOURTH WEEK SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 1 July - 7 July NO PLACES AVAILABLE SECOND WEEK 15 July - 19 July 22 July - 26 July LANGUAGE AND MATHS REVISION (Spanish) 1 July - 7 July NO PLACES AVAILABLE SECOND WEEK 15 July - 19 July 22 July - 26 July ROBOTICS (15 days programme. 3º to 6º PRIMARY) NO PLACES AVAILABLE (1 July - 12 July) 15 July - 26 July CAMPUS FÚTBOL MORIENTES (COMPLETE) NO PLACES AVAILABLE KIT SIZE CAMPUS MORIENTES 4 8 12 16 S M SECONDARY 9:15 - 14:00 WITHOUT LUNCH 9:15 - 16:45 WITH LUNCH + STUDY SECONDARY STUDENTS · WE AUTHORISE OUR CHILD TO LEAVE THE SCHOOL UNACCOMPANIED AT THE END OF THE LESSONS, EXEMPTING IALE SCHOOL FROM ANY RESPONSIBILITY FROM THE MOMENT OF DEPARTURE: I DO AUTHORISE I DO NOT AUTHORISE PREPARACIÓN TRINITY 01 July - 26 July RETA A TU TALENTO 1 July - 7 July 8 July - 12 July 15 July - 19 July 22 July - 26 July CAMPA-MENTE 1 July - 7 July 8 July - 12 July REFUERZO MATERIAS 1 July - 7 July 8 July - 12 July 15 July - 19 July 22 July - 26 July SUBJECTS TO REINFORCE Authorisation to use images of your child taken during classes or activities in the school's web page and social media networks. I DO AUTHORISE I DO NOT AUTHORISE We authorise our child to attend the swimming pool. I DO AUTHORISE I DO NOT AUTHORISE We authorise COLEGIO IALE S.A. to give to our child medication he/she needs and to manage medical treatment in our absence, if it is necessary, exempting the school from all responsibility. If there is a medical emergency in which an important decision has to be taken, Colegio Iale S.A. will immediately try to contact parents or guardians so it is they who decide on the treatment they want. If Colegio Iale S.A. is unable to contact a parent or guardian, or there is no time to do so, we authorise that decisions concerning our child ́s treatment are taken by the doctor treating him/her. I DO AUTHORISE I DO NOT AUTHORISE In the case of a temperature or feeling unwell, we specifically authorise the administration of: I DO NOT AUTHORISE PARACETAMOL (APIRETAL) IBUPROFENO (DALSY) Your message I have read and accept the Privacy Policy I have read and accept the General Conditions SEND